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2016 Candidates Forum
10/13/2016 12:21 PM
The Legislative Action Committee of the Milford Regional Chamber of Commerce invite you to attend a Candidates Forum on Wednesday, October 19, 2016.

7:45 am Coffee and...
8:00 - 9:30am Q&A Session
9:30 - 10:00am Candidate Networking Opportunity

Milford Hospital
Conference Room B
300 Seaside Avenue
Milford, CT 06460

RSVP: 203-878-0681

Candidates may be asked questions about balancing the state budget, property taxes and education funding, municipal aid, Collective bargaining, minimum wage, family leave and others.

14th Senate: (D) Gayle Slossberg*  
14th Senate: (R) Patricia Libero  
117th House: (R) Charles Ferraro*
117th House: (D) Sean Ronan  
118th House: (D) Kim Rose*  
118TH House: (R) Rick Varrone
119th House: (R) Pam Staneski*
119th House: (D) Benjamin Gettinger

Gary Mullin
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