Business Directory Alphabetical ListingPrint VersionNew SearchPrev1...10111213141516...31NextProfileGraphicways Designwww.graphicwaysdesign.comMs. Michele Kelly; Email532 Meetinghouse CircleOrange, CT 06477203-799-2723EmailAdvertising & MarketingPrinters, Copies & Graphic DesignAdvertising & MarketingProfileGrassy Hill Country Clubwww.grassyhillcountryclub.comMs. Elisa Cresci, Sales Manager; Email441 Clark LaneOrange, CT 06477-0647203-795-3100EmailCaterers/Special EventsGolf CoursesProfileGreen Olive Properties Managementwww.greenoliveapartments.comP.O. Box 1027Orange, CT 06477203-795-3748EmailReal Estate ServicesAutomobile Repairs, Sales & ServicesProfileGregory F. Doyle Funeral Homewww.gregoryfdoylefuneralhome.comAndrea Blackwood, Manager/Licensed Funeral Director/Embalm; EmailMoriah Monsif, Vice President/Funeral Director; Email291 BRIDGEPORT AVENUEMilford, CT 06460Map203-874-5641EmailFuneral & Cremation ServicesProfileGrillo Services, LLCwww.grilloservices.comMr. John M. Grillo; EmailMr. Lawrence J. (L.J.) Grillo; Email1183 Oronoque RoadMilford, CT 06461203-877-5070EmailContractorsDump Truck HaulingTopsoilProfileGuaranteed Rate Affinity171 Broad StMilford, CT 06460203-906-7291 cellEmailMortgage LoansProfileGusto Trattoria, Italian Restaurantwww.gustotrattoria.comMr. Riccardo Mavuli; Email255 Boston Post RoadMilford, CT 06460203-876-7464EmailRestaurantsProfileHacienda Storagewww.haciendastorage.comAccounts Payable; Email125 Old Gate LaneMilford, CT 06460Map203-876-2600EmailStorageProfileHair of the DogNeighborhood Bar & Grill128 Bridgeport AveMilford, CT 06460Map203-301-4455EmailRestaurantsProfileHampton InnWe are a focus service hotel located in Milford right off 95 on Plains Road. We offer discounted rooms for local businesses as well as a small meeting space that can accommodate up to 30 guests.Crystal Spinaci, Director of Sales; Email129 Plains RoadMilford, CT 06460Map203-874-4400EmailHotels, Accomodations & Meeting SpaceProfileHarborview Divorce Coaching, LLC112 Broad StreetMilford, CT 06460Map475-471-4714EmailCounseling - Youth, Family, Marriage, Weddings & FuneralsProfileHarboryard Sports & Entertainmentwww.totalmortgagearena.comMr. John Reis; Email600 Main StreetBridgeport, CT 06604203-345-2300EmailEntertainment & Special EventsProfileHarlow, Adams & Friedman, P.C.www.harlowadamsfriedman.comAtty. Dana Eric Friedman, Esq.; EmailAtty. James M. Nugent, Esq.; EmailAtty. Theodore H. Shumaker, Esq.; Email1 New Haven AvenueMilford, CT 06460203-878-0661EmailAttorneysProfileHarper Law, LLC law firm specializing in estate planning, wills and trusts, conservatorships and guardianships, probate matters, residential and commercial real estate transactions, and business matters.51 Cherry StMilford, CT 06460Map203-883-1656EmailProfileHartford Health Care Go Health Cellini PlaceWest Haven, CT 06516Map203-654-9941EmailHealth Centers & ServicesProfileHearst MediaAnthony Vela; Email55 Elk DriveSouthbury, CT 06488Map917-763-6067EmailProfileHilton Garden Inn - Milfordwww.milford.hgi.com291 Old Gate LaneMilford, CT 06460203-783-9988EmailHotels, Accomodations & Meeting SpaceProfileHiriart & Lopez MD LLC you’re not feeling well, the last thing you want is to wait days or even weeks to see a doctor. At Hiriart-Lopez MD, LLC, we offer same-day doctor appointments so you can get the care you need without long wait times. Whether you're searching for a primary doctor, a Miami doctor, or a PCP near me, our experienced medical professionals are here to help. If you don’t take advantage of our same-day appointments, you risk delays in treatment, prolonged discomfort, and even complications from untreated conditions. Why wait when you can get expert medical care today?Hiriart Lopez MD LLC, Best Primary Care Doctor in Miami; Email9950 SW 107th Ave STE 101Miami, FL 33176Map305-274-8779EmailHealth Centers & ServicesProfileHoffman Energywww.hoffmanfuel.com56 Quarry RoadTrumbull, CT 06611203-362-7333EmailElectric/Gas Services & FacilitiesContractorsContractorsProfileHomePro Matchwww.homepromatch.comJennifer Bucci, Digital Marketing Specialist; EmailRichard Cleri; EmailBrittany Lees, Product Manager; Email60 Silvermine RoadSeymour, CT 06483888-898-7021EmailContractorsNew SearchPrev1...10111213141516...31NextBusiness Directory | Chamber Event Calendar | Member Account | Community Event Calendar | Milford Jobs | Member Promotions | News | Contact Us Where CT Business Connects Become a Member