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Tuesday, December 10, 2024Ribbon Cutting

So Much to Say Ribbon Cutting

Why So Much to Say..
So Much to Say LLC has extensive experience along a wide range of services.  With experience comes an excellent network of providers and resources who we are able to point you to if we can’t help with your current situation.

We have 10 years of experience working in the private special education environment developing and implementing IEP mandated services, developing and implementing organization-wide trainings (synchronous and asynchronous), and applying the principles of behavior analysis to a wide variety of behavioral profiles to affect effective, generalized behavior change.  We utilize hi-tech data collection solutions – with parent communication integration – and if we need something additional, we partner with the people who can build it.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024 4:00 PM
476 Wheelers Farm Rd.
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